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Version 0.1 - Initial Release

version 0.103 - Complete redo of the quest wizard. 
  Made it simpler and more friendly in most places. 
  Take the user step by step through completing a quest.
  Disabled the advanced mode for now, until I can get the wizard working well.

Version 0.104 -
Fixed a bug with the create goodie hut code (was offering quest locations instead of goodie huts as options for quest objectives)

Version 0.201 -
Major UI overhaul
Fixed some bugs with the objectives
Added graphics to most screens

Version 0.204
Fixed the bug with an empty new objective window
Added different checkbox
Included the Tribal Font

Version 0.205
fixed a bug with monsters in an encounter always being the last monster added
Made it so you can't add a blank monster
Added a Tactical Map choice to Encounter objectives
Added a Quest End objective type (for random events )
fixed a bug with random items, they should be populated in the right tag now

Version 0.206
Added items to objectives (you can go to a location to get an item/unit/health/etc. now before a fight)
Added additional quest type (go to location and get item)
Added monster grouping choice when adding monsters to an objective.

Version 0.207
Fixed bug with fetch item quests not showing up

Version 0.302
Added new choice page (can add multiple choices per objective)
Moved the encounter to the choice page (makes more sense that way)
Added a Objective Order page (where you define which objective comes next after choices & other objectives)
Added rewards to choices as well as objectives
Added a failed quest step
Added images to objectives
Clarified the choice text (meaning setting the scene for an objective)
Added the ability to delete items from lists (monsters, objectives, rewards, etc.)
Revised and updated the sample quest

Version 0.303
Added conditional choices (i.e. you need to have so much gold/mana/metal/etc. for the choice to show up)
Added return to start with item type of quest (think of the get 3 wolf pelt quest).

Version 0.306
Revised the Objective Order page (it was too confusing before).  Let me know if you like it.
Added the ability to load a quest (including Stardock's quests).   Currently you can only delete objectives and then add new ones.  I've been playing around with how to let you edit the objectives, but I do too much behind the scenes that it makes it really difficult to allow for editing.   For now we'll see how this work (you can edit alot of other stuff).
Other minor bug fixes.

Version 0.307
Bugfix for the Objective Order screen.  Wasn't saving the values correctly.

Version 0.310
Adjust UI in preparation for cardinaldirection's graphics
Fix a bug in the random quest creation.

Version 0.400
New UI design

Version 0.4a
Fixed a bug with go to a location and get item or fight monsters.  It was adding a blank objective which was messing things up.
Added a difficulty label on the basics screen to help users identify the difficulty rating
Changed the naming of the rewards so that the names make better sense (i.e. instead of item_34 you'll get GiveItem_BandofAgility1)

Change Log

Fixed a bug with multiple choices with requirements in the same objective
Fixed a bug with Saving before clicking done on quest windows (now you have to close all windows before saving)
Added better reward name generation
popup message
editing of objectives & choices
prevent user from closing a window without cancelling or saving.
allow enter and tab in the save XML preview window.

Version 0.500

Earlier Versions

Version 0.510

Fixed several bugs with the editing of quests & choices.

Changed the background on a few windows.

Added ability to edit the Objective ID

Preserved the internal name of a quest when loading it from a file

Added a new quest to the sample quests

Wizard - Version 0.6

Creator - Version 1.1

Added the ability to choose the install directory to fix a suspected problem with Steam installs.

Combined the Creator and the Wizard.  Use the Create Quest option to start with a simplified template.

Fixed a bug with saving the install location when the user specifies the directory

Fixed several bugs with the quest creator which was not ending quests correctly

Version 1.0

Version 1.1

Fixed a bug when creating a retrieve item quest where you wouldn't actually receive the item after going to the quest location.   Updated the sample quests with the fix (Quest: The beggar).

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